

International Community May Finally Help As Crisis Turns To Insurgency

About 65,000 Rohingyas have abandoned their homes since October.
Posted at 5:14 PM, Jan 19, 2017

Myanmar's Rohingya people are basically invisible. That's because the country's constitution doesn't recognize them.

The people have been displaced for years. Some have to live in makeshift camps. But now, other countries might finally help.

Despite the U.S.' ties to Myanmar, it isn't lending a hand. Some blame the U.S. for worsening the crisis because of its ties to Myanmar's government.

That government had blamed the minority Rohingya group for burning their own houses to get international attention. Aid groups say otherwise.

About 65,000 Rohingyas have abandoned their homes since October. That's because government-backed military efforts have ramped up in the state that most of them reside.

"[The Burmese Army] pulled up their blouses and removed the bras. They raped them right there in the yard," a Rohingya said.

Some Rohingya have struck back as tension has spilled over into an insurgency.

But it's hard to predict how this will affect the crisis.