Politics2020 Election


Pres.-Elect Says Vaccine News Good, But Distribution Plan Needed

Pres.-elect Biden calls on Pres. Trump to work with new administration on vaccine distribution plan or "more people may die."

Moderna's news Monday that its vaccine is nearly 95 percent effective comes just a week after Pfizer announced its candidate was over 90 percent effective. 

During a speech on economic recovery Monday,  President-elect Joe Biden celebrated the news — but cautioned there is still a long road ahead. 

“It’s great news that Moderna and Pfizer have each come up with vaccines that are in excess of 90% effective," Biden said. 

"But getting a vaccine and vaccination are two different things. Everyone on our call today agreed that the sooner that we have access to the administration’s distribution plan, the sooner this transition would smoothly move forward.”

Referring to Pres. Trump's stalling of transitioning the government to Biden, the president-elect said "more people may die" if there isn't coordination between the two camps on a vaccination plan.