Politics2020 Election


Trump Campaign Spends $3M On Partial Wisconsin Recount

Reuters-Ipsos poll shows more than half of all Americans say election was "legitimate and accurate," though 68% of Republicans think it was rigged.


The Trump campaign is shelling out $3 million dollars for a recount in two Wisconsin counties. 

It chose the heavily-Democratic Milwaukee and Dane Counties — where the president lost by a combined 364,000 votes.

His attorney said both locations had the "worst irregularities."

President-elect Joe Biden won Wisconsin by more than 20,000 votes. Election officials have found no evidence of fraud. 

The state has until December first to finish the recount.

President Trump re-tweeted a Reuters/Ipsos poll today and again falsely claiming the election was rigged. 

The poll shows more Republicans are also losing trust in the U.S. election system. 

It found 68 percent of Republicans think the election was rigged. 

And those respondents were concerned vote counters tipped the results in Biden's favor.

The poll also found less trust in the election among adults overall.

55 percent of adults thought it was "legitimate and accurate" — down seven points from their poll after the 2016 election.