

US Allows Sanctions On Foreigners Meddling In Elections

President Trump signed an executive order authorizing the sanctions on Wednesday.

President Donald Trump has signed an executive order that authorizes sanctions on any foreign individual or company that's accused of interfering in U.S. elections, according to multiple outlets. 

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence would reportedly work with the National Security Agency, CIA and the Department of Homeland Security to decide if any foreigner meddled. 

An unnamed U.S. official told Reuters on Tuesday, "The administration is keen to set a new norm in cyberspace. This is a first step in stating boundaries and publicly announcing our response for bad behavior."

The Trump administration's been criticized in the past by lawmakers for not doing more to increase election security.

But the Associated Press reports White House officials told reporters that President Trump is prioritizing election security by signing the executive order.

National Intelligence Director Dan Coats said the U.S. isn't seeing as much Russian interference as it did in the 2016 elections, but Washington is still concerned about the possibility of China, North Korea and Iran meddling. 

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN.