

President-elect Biden's Inaugural Address To Focus On Uniting Nation

Biden Chief of Staff Ron Klain says "America United" theme will focus on "moving this country forward."

President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris will be sworn in Wednesday to officially begin their term.

Biden's incoming Chief of Staff, Ron Klain, said Biden will focus on uniting the nation in his inaugural address.

Klain said, "That's going to be the message of moving this country forward. It's a message of unity. It's a message of getting things done. That's what he'll be talking about January 20th and as you noted at the outset of this, he's going to come back to the White House after giving that speech at the Capitol and take some immediate actions to start to move this country forward."

Klain also said Biden will immediately address the COVID-19 pandemic and change some of President Trump's controversial policies.