

Bloomberg: Giuliani Facing Campaign Finance Investigation

A former federal prosecutor told Bloomberg she wouldn't be surprised if Giuliani is indicted.

President Donald Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani is being investigated by federal prosecutors over possible campaign finance violations and failure to register as a foreign agent, according to Bloomberg.

One official told Bloomberg that investigators may also look into whether Giuliani illegally bribed foreign officials.

Another official said there are also counterintelligence concerns, but "there probably wouldn't be a criminal charge related to that."

A former federal prosecutor told the outlet she wouldn't be surprised if Giuliani is indicted.

Two businessmen associated with Giuliani were arrested Oct. 10 on charges of breaking campaign finance laws. Federal prosecutors say the Soviet-born men — Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman — were involved in a conspiracy to funnel foreign money into U.S. elections. Both are naturalized American citizens. Last month, the men pleaded not guilty to criminal campaign finance charges.

Federal prosecutors have also been investigating for about a month whether Giuliani broke lobbying laws while dealing with Ukraine.