

More People Support Marijuana Legalization Than Ever Before

At least 17 states could vote on some form of marijuana legalization in the 2016 election.

Since the infamous “War on Drugs” started, pot’s popularity has actually grown. A lot. (Video via Richard Nixon Presidential Library & Museum

53% of Americans support legalization compared to 12% in 1969. 

In 1996, California became the first state to allow medicinal marijuana. 

Since then 22 states and D.C. followed. 

Medical marijuana is used for cancer patients, people with PTSD and people with chronic pain. 

On January 1, 2014, Colorado became the first state to sell recreational marijuana use. (Video via KOAA

(Cue the mile HIGH jokes.) 

“Colorado has been allowing the sale of legal recreational marijuana. In a related story, in one week the population of Colorado has jumped to 315 million people,” Conan O’Brien joked in a monologue shortly after the legalization.

That year, the state made $53 million by taxing it.  

Now -- three other states (and D.C.) have also fully legalized pot. 

And it’s not going anywhere. 

In 2016, legalization of medical or recreational pot may crop up in 17 states

This video includes images from Getty Images.