

Using Marijuana Is Legal In Vermont, But Buying It Isn't

Vermont's recreational marijuana law went into effect July 1.

Recreational marijuana is now legal in Vermont, but buying some is another story.

Vermont's marijuana law went into effect Sunday, making it legal to possess up to one ounce of the drug. Residents can also grow a small number of plants, and they can harvest as much as they want from them. 

But the law doesn't establish regulations for actually selling pot. It doesn't even legalize the commercial sale of marijuana. 

And if you're a renter in Vermont, you need permission from your landlord before you can grow your own plants. 

The law requires the state to re-examine its drug regulations, starting with marijuana. Also, the governor's office established a Marijuana Advisory Commission that will write a report on what a legal marijuana market could look like. That report is due by Dec. 15.