

Bipartisan Group Of Senators Agrees On $1.2T Infrastructure Plan

One Democrat doubts this will get buy-in from the White House or from enough Republicans to clear the Senate.

A bipartisan group of lawmakers has reached a deal on infrastructure. The White House is not involved and it's unclear if President Biden will accept the offer. 

Newsy Congressional Reporter Nathaniel Reed confirmed the new proposal is $1.2 trillion in spending over 8 years – nearly half of it in new spending. The senators say their proposal would be fully paid for, but it would not include a key part of the president's plans: corporate tax increases.  

One Democrat doubts this will get buy-in from the White House or from enough Republicans to clear the Senate. 

Sen. Richard Blumenthal said: "I really think it’s time to pull the plug now and take action promptly and robustly, because every indication is that Republicans simply aren't serious."