

What Law Are Democrats Using To Try To Force A Net Neutrality Vote?

Congressional Republicans used a regulatory-review act to rescind 14 Obama-era regulations in 2017.

Some Democrats in the Senate are trying to use the Congressional Review Act to reinstate net neutrality rules. 

If that act sounds familiar, it's because congressional Republicans used it last year — a lot.

The CRA allows Congress to roll back regulatory changes with a simple majority. The catch is there's a 60-legislative-day window to do that. 

In 2017, Republican lawmakers and President Donald Trump used the CRA to rescind 14 regulations the Obama administration issued before leaving the White House. 

Prior to that, the CRA — which became law in 1996 — had only been used once. As Newsy previously reported, President George W. Bush repealed a Clinton-era labor regulation in 2001 using the Congressional Review Act.