

House Judiciary Committee Invites Trump To Attend Impeachment Hearing

​House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler sent a letter to President Trump to inform him of his "right to attend the hearing."

The House Judiciary Committee has invited President Donald Trump to participate in its first impeachment hearing.

The committee announced Tuesday it will hold a public hearing next week "to explore the framework put in place to respond to serious allegations of impeachable misconduct like those against President Trump."

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler also sent a letter to the president to let him know "of his and his counsel's right to attend the hearing." Nadler said if President Trump wants to participate, he needs to notify the committee by "no later than Dec. 1," as well as "indicate who will act as [his] counsel for these proceedings." Nadler said the committee "looks forward" to an appearance by the president, but warned that if President Trump "continue(s) to refuse to make witnesses and documents available to the committees of jurisdiction, ... the chair shall have the discretion to impose appropriate remedies."

The announcement comes a day after the House Intelligence Committee said it plans to send its report on the impeachment inquiry to the House Judiciary Committee shortly after Thanksgiving. When all is said and done, the Judiciary Committee will ultimately approve or reject articles of impeachment. If the committee approves them, those charges will be sent to the full House to be voted on.

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN.