

House Committees Issue 3 More Subpoenas In Impeachment Inquiry

The trio of House committees leading the impeachment inquiry issued subpoenas for Russell Vought, Michael Duffey and T. Ulrich Brechbuhl on Friday.

Three more people from the Trump administration are facing congressional subpoenas.

The trio of House committees leading the impeachment inquiry issued subpoenas for Russell Vought, Michael Duffey and T. Ulrich Brechbuhl on Friday. Vought and Duffey work in the Office of Management and Budget. Brechbuhl is a counselor for the State Department. All now have depositions scheduled for Nov. 5 or 6. 

The committees previously asked all three men to voluntarily appear for a deposition, but none of them complied. Friday's letters say if they ignore the subpoenas, that will "constitute evidence of obstruction of the House's impeachment inquiry and may be used as an adverse inference against the President."