

Pennsylvania's New Congressional Map Isn't Going Over Great With Some

Pennsylvania's Supreme Court just gave the state redrawn congressional districts, but most Republicans aren't on board.
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Pennsylvania's new congressional district map isn't going over super well with some of the state's General Assembly.

After ruling the old map was unconstitutionally gerrymandered, the state's Supreme Court came up with a map of its own. It'll be used for this year's midterms. The General Assembly and the governor didn't draw a compromise map before the court's deadline.

But GOP leaders say they didn't have much guidance on coming up with a new map. The court didn't file its full opinion on why the old one was unconstitutional until two days before the deadline to get a new map to the governor.

But the justices did give some parameters for what they wanted a new map to look like in their January ruling.

Lots of different parties — including the governor, lieutenant governor, and both parties in both chambers — submitted their own maps to the court, but they never came up with one map they could all agree on to get through the legislative process.

And Republicans are taking issue with the person whom justices consulted in coming up with their map. He's a Stanford law professor. He's helped in cases like this before, but Republicans say he was given too much power in coming up with the new structure, according to NPR.

Democrats, on the other hand, are applauding the move. They point to its stated goal of getting rid of gerrymandered districts. But to be fair, it could also give Pennsylvania Democrats a big boost in the next round of elections.