

Senate Votes To Move Forward With Brett Kavanaugh's Nomination

On Friday morning, the U.S. Senate approved a motion that puts a clock on debate over Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination.

A procedural vote on Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination passed in the U.S. Senate Friday. 

In a 51 to 49 decision, senators voted to invoke cloture. That means they agreed to put a 30-hour clock on debate over Kavanaugh's nomination. 

But clearing this procedural vote doesn't necessarily mean he has enough support to be confirmed. Think back to the health care debate. Sen. John McCain voted to invoke cloture on that bill, but ultimately cast the final vote against it.

The party split in the Senate is 51 to 49. So presuming all the Democrats and Independents vote against Kavanaugh's confirmation, Republicans can afford to lose one vote and bank on Vice President Mike Pence to break the tie. If the GOP loses two votes, that's the end of Kavanaugh's road to the Supreme Court. 

The Senate could hold a final vote as early as Saturday afternoon. 

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN