

Trump Says He Won't Sign Budget Bill That Doesn't Have Wall Funding

President Donald Trump is sticking to his plan and using a government shutdown as a bargaining tool to try to get funding for a border wall.

With the budget deadline looming, President Donald Trump seems willing to shutdown the government to get funding for a border wall. 

Trump met with House Speaker Paul Ryan and Majority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy Thursday morning, and told them he won't sign the budget bill that the Senate already passed. 

That bill would've kept the government open and funded through Feb. 8, but it didn't allocate any money for a border wall. The House was expected to pass it quickly, but now Republicans are starting over. 

"So we're going to go back and work on adding border security to this, also keeping the government open because we do want an agreement," Ryan said. 

But Democrats have already said they won't vote for a bill that funds a border wall. 

"But in terms of wall funding that's a non-starter. I think they know that," House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said. 

The two sides have a very limited amount of time to strike an agreement. Current government funding runs out at midnight Friday. 

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN