

What The Senate Gun Background Check Bill Would Do

The bill is a bipartisan effort.

President Donald Trump has signaled he's willing to improve the federal background check system involved in gun purchases.

Sens. John Cornyn and Chris Murphy introduced the Fix NICS bill last November after a shooting at a Texas church. The shooter had been convicted of assault during his time in the U.S. Air Force but was still able to buy a gun.

Federal agencies already have to report that sort of violent history, although the Air Force failed to do that for the Texas shooter. States have no such requirements.

This bill would mandate federal agencies be more thorough and accurate in their reporting of people who are supposed to be banned from buying guns. Political appointees at federal agencies that fail to report would be ineligible for bonuses.

And states that report infractions to the national system would get financial incentives and more favorable access to future federal programs.