

Donald Trump's Revised Travel Ban Looks A Lot Like The Old One

The new travel ban includes six Muslim-majority countries.

Monday morning, the Trump administration announced that the president signed a revised version of his executive order on immigration.

"We cannot risk the prospect of malevolent actors using our immigration system to take American lives," Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly said. 

The new order will temporarily bar citizens from six Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S. 

Those countries are: Iran, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. Unlike the previous order, Iraq is not included in this new list. 

According to a press release from the Department of Homeland Security, that's because Iraq's government has agreed to impose new vetting procedures on its citizens, like heightened visa screening.

Under the revised order, the U.S. refugee program will be suspended for all countries for 120 days. That goes for Syrian refugees, too. In the original travel ban, Syrian refugees were banned from entering the U.S. indefinitely. 

Legal green card holders from the six countries affected and valid visa holders will be able to travel to the U.S. 

This new version comes just a few weeks after Trump's original order was met with confusion and anger throughout the country. It was eventually halted by federal courts.

The new order is set to go into effect March 16.