

FEMA Administrator Will Reimburse Agency After Misusing Its Vehicles

The secretary of Homeland Security said Brock Long will be able to keep his job after an investigation found he misused the agency's vehicles.

Although an investigation found the FEMA administrator misused government vehicles, the secretary of Homeland Security says he'll be able to keep his job.

Newsy previously reported Brock Long was under investigation for inappropriately using the agency's cars to drive to his home in North Carolina. This news broke while the agency was preparing for Hurricane Florence to make landfall. Politico first reported the investigation was triggered by an accident with one of the vehicles. 

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said Long did not have proper authorization when he used government-owned vehicles for home-to-work travel and non-official use. That's according to the Associated Press, which cites a statement from Nielsen. Long agreed to reimburse the agency, but it's not clear how much that might be.

This story includes additional material from Newsy affiliate CNN.