PoliticsForeign Policy


These Skeptics Are Asking Trump To Pull Out Of A UN Climate Agreement

The group behind the letter claims carbon dioxide isn't a pollutant.

Global warming skeptics have reportedly asked President Donald Trump to pull out of a United Nations climate agreement.

According to several reports, a group of 300 people, including some scientists, sent a letter to Trump and Vice President Mike Pence that claims carbon dioxide is not as harmful to the atmosphere as a strong majority of scientists say.

The reports say the group wants the U.S. to withdraw from the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change. The group argues "carbon dioxide is not a pollutant" and that it's beneficial for the environment because it is fuel for plants.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency declared carbon dioxide a pollutant in 2009. It and a handful of other greenhouse gases were determined to be dangerous to humans and contribute to climate change.

The letter was picked up by several right-leaning outlets and blogs, which highlight its claim that limiting carbon emissions is bad for the economy. It follows a letter signed in December by over 800 scientists, who urged Trump to fight climate change.

There's been uncertainty over whether the Trump administration would continue previous actions against climate change. Trump has repeatedly promised to ditch the Paris Agreement signed under former President Barack Obama.

Climate change information also disappeared from the White House page immediately after Trump took office.

The New York Times reports the Trump administration is also considering executive orders that would drastically reduce U.S. presence in the U.N. overall.