PoliticsForeign Policy


Mexico Denies Reported Agreement With US Regarding Migrant Caravan

The Washington Post reported on Saturday that the Trump administration made a deal with the incoming Mexican government to let the caravan stay there.

Mexico's incoming government has denied a report that it made a deal with the U.S. to let asylum seekers stay in Mexico while their claims are being processed.

On Saturday, The Washington Post reported that the Trump administration made that agreement with the incoming Mexican government, which is set to take office at the beginning of December. The Post's report cited Mexican officials and senior members of the incoming president's transition team. 

President Donald Trump even appeared to confirm the deal in a pair of tweets on Saturday. 

But in a statement later that night, Mexico's incoming interior minister denied the report, saying there's "no agreement of any sort between the incoming Mexican government and the U.S. government." 

This comes as thousands of Central American migrants have reached Tijuana, Mexico, which is across the border from San Diego, California. U.S. Customs and Border Protection has reportedly started processing some their asylum claims. 

Currently, some asylum seekers stay in the U.S. while their claims go through the court system — a process that can take years.

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN.