PoliticsForeign Policy


Trump Meets With Henry Kissinger Amid North Korea Crisis

Earlier this summer, Kissinger argued for a joint effort between the U.S. and China.

President Trump met with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger on Tuesday. The pair reportedly discussed North Korea and China, but not much is known beyond that. Various media outlets note Trump has also been focused on the nuclear capabilities of North Korea and Iran.

"A man of immense talent, and experience, and knowledge, and I'm gonna talk to him for a while, and we're going to learn a lot," Trump said about Kissinger. "Henry, I say often, I inherited a mess, but we're fixing it."

In front of reporters, Kissinger praised Trump's upcoming trip through Asia.

"And the president is leaving on a trip through Asia, which I think will make a great contribution to progress, and peace, and prosperity," Kissinger said.

In November, Trump will travel to Japan, South Korea, China, the Philippines and Vietnam. The White House says the president will focus on trade and the "North Korean threat."

Kissinger has previously argued for a joint effort between the U.S. and China on that issue, saying it would result in "maximum pressure and workable guarantees" while minimizing the risk of conflict between the two countries.

Kissinger added the U.S. must take into account the concerns of South Korea and Japan — especially since both countries are in the direct line of fire for North Korea. 

But Trump has hinted that he might be looking at a more militant approach to North Korea. Just last Thursday, Trump met with military leaders and made a cryptic comment about a "calm before the storm." When pressed for clarification, the president said, "You'll find out."