PoliticsForeign Policy


District Court Seeks To Extradite Former Guatemalan Officials

The court accused the two officials of international drug trafficking and is seeking to extradite them.

A U.S. district court wants to extradite the ex-vice president and the ex-interior minister of Guatemala over accusations of international drug trafficking.

The U.S. Embassy in Guatemala released a statement saying Roxana Baldetti and Mauricio López Bonilla were accused of conspiring to distribute roughly 11 or more pounds of cocaine, knowing it would end up in the U.S.

Both Baldetti and Bonilla face separate additional corruption cases in Guatemala.

This isn't the first time the U.S. government has accused Latin American leaders of international drug trafficking. In fact, it's the second time this month.

The Trump administration recently imposed sanctions on Venezuela's current vice president after a lengthy investigation. The administration says the sanctions are not meant to send a political message.

The former Guatemalan officials cannot be extradited until a formal request is issued. A lawyer for Baldetti said any extradition proceedings would be on hold until separate corruption charges in Guatemala against the pair are resolved.