PoliticsForeign Policy


US Considers Putting Export Restrictions On Some Emerging Technologies

A proposed set of rules lists more than a dozen new technologies and asks for the public's help in figuring out if they're vital to national security.

The U.S. is considering putting new export restrictions on emerging technologies like artificial intelligence. 

The advanced notice of proposed rules was spearheaded by the Commerce Department. It was published in the Federal Registrar on Monday and will be available for public comment until Dec. 19. 

It lists more than a dozen new technologies and asks for the public's help in figuring out if those advances are important to U.S. national security — and, therefore, if they need stricter export rules. The list includes technology used in advanced computer chips, self-driving cars and image-recognition software. 

The Washington Post points out stricter export control rules could require big tech companies to get licenses before selling certain technology to foreign governments or working with some foreign researchers. And the rules could further increase tensions between the U.S. and China, because it could make it more difficult for U.S. companies to do business in the country.

The Commerce Department says export control rules are an important part of protecting "sensitive U.S. technology."