PoliticsForeign Policy


The White House Needs A New Candidate For US Ambassador To South Korea

The Washington Post reports Victor Cha likely won't be the U.S. ambassador to South Korea after he expressed disagreement on North Korea policy.

The man widely expected to be the White House's pick for U.S. ambassador to South Korea has reportedly been booted from the running. And it has to do with North Korea.

Officials said Victor Cha, a former Bush administration official, will no longer be nominated. The Washington Post reports it's mainly due to disagreements over the Trump administration's consideration of a limited strike against the North.

The outlet reports Cha said privately in December that he disagreed with the administration's North Korea policy.

In an op-ed published Tuesday, Cha said he thinks the U.S. should go a different route because the so-called "bloody nose" strategy is risky and could escalate into war.

The White House has yet to nominate another candidate.