

Government Shutdown Is Over, But Employees Still Waiting For Paychecks

A number of businesses have been trying to help federal employees make ends meet while they wait for their first paycheck in over a month.

The partial government shutdown might be over, but federal employees haven't been made whole quite yet. 

The shutdown affected about 800,000 people who were either furloughed or forced to work without pay. Either way, the government owes them money, and all those paychecks equal about $9 billion. 

A number of businesses are continuing to offer federal employees help — a trend that started during the shutdown. 

Celebrity chef Jose Andres and his nonprofit opened an emergency kitchen in Washington D.C. to offer free food to government employees. That kitchen opened Jan. 16 and it turned into a nationwide #ChefsforFeds effort, with restaurants, food trucks, non-profits and others offering free meals. 

Chase and Bank of America are among a number of financial institutions who offered to help people with their bills. Some banks offered to waive late fees or extend payment deadlines for things like loans and mortgages. 

Car manufacturer Hyundai said it would give government workers a 30-day delay on any loan-and-lease payments.

And the free offers also went beyond food and bills. Trampoline park company SkyZone offered affected federal employees and up to three family members a free hour of play.

Office of Management and Budget director and acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney said Sunday that all government workers should receive their back pay by the end of this week. 

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN