PoliticsHealth Care


Biden Administration Amps Up Obamacare Registration Efforts

Open enrollment for "Obamacare" will last until May, giving people twice as long to sign up for the health insurance benefits.

As cases of COVID-19 continue to spread and new variants enter, the Biden administration is ramping up attempts to get more Americans health insurance. 

An expanded registration for "Obamacare" opened Monday to help those affected during the pandemic or who may need the assistance down the road. 

The administration's three-month registration campaign is aimed at people who may have lost their jobs as a result of the pandemic or those who never had insurance to begin with. Open enrollment has been extended until May and people might be eligible for a sharp price cut on monthly premiums.

The efforts will focus on Black and Latino communities, which have been disproportionately affected by the coronavirus pandemic. ..a problem that while slowing in recent days will continue. 

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said the country needs to keep up with intense precautions.

She said, "We have work to do especially when the country remains in the red zone of high community transmission. As that transmission comes down we will be able to relax some of these measures, but the real point is to make sure that the science is consistent with our guidance."

The Obamacare market can be seen at healthcare.gov.

Contains footage from CNN.