

Hunters Can Continue Using Lead Bullets On US Federal Land

Advocates for lead bullets claim there's no widespread risk to wildlife.

On his first day in office — to which he arrived on horseback — Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke overturned an order that would have ultimately banned the use of lead ammunition in national parks and refuges.

A day before President Trump was sworn in, the Obama administration passed a directive to start the process of prohibiting hunters from using lead ammo. Instead, they would have had to use bullets made from other metals.

The concern is less about the animals that get hit with lead bullets and more about the animals that don't.

Back in January, WNEP broke a story of a bald eagle that died from lead poisoning. Veterinarians found a metal fragment in its system and believe it might have ingested part of a lead bullet. And that's not exactly rare.

Advocates for lead ammunition argue there's no large-scale proof that lead ammunition poses a threat to wildlife and claim alternative bullets are more expensive.

A study from 2012 found that prices of lead ammunition and other ammo types are comparable.

The newly signed order also expands access to hunting, fishing and recreation on federal lands.