PoliticsMidterm Elections


Abrams Won't Accept Kemp's Victory Claim In Georgia Governor Race

Stacey Abrams' campaign told reporters Abrams won't concede, and she's considering legal action to make sure all votes are counted.

Republican Brian Kemp has declared victory in Georgia's election for governor. But his opponent, Democrat Stacey Abrams, isn't going down without a fight.

The Abrams campaign told reporters Wednesday Abrams won't concede, and she's considering legal action to make sure all votes are counted in the heated race.

Kemp had a narrow lead over Abrams with all precincts reporting Thursday.

The Kemp campaign's press secretary said in a statement earlier Wednesday Kemp's margin of victory is so large that "the number of provisional ballots and overseas ballots will not change his Election Day victory."

The press secretary also said Kemp will start his transition with Gov. Nathan Deal Thursday.