PoliticsMidterm Elections


Trump Declares Midterm Election A Victory For Republicans

During a post-midterm election press conference, President Donald Trump highlighted his role in GOP wins for key Senate and gubernatorial races.

President Donald Trump weighed in Wednesday on the midterm election that resulted in Democrats taking control of the House and Republicans possibly expanding their Senate majority. 

During a press conference, Trump touted what he referred to as his party's success and his hand in the GOP victories. He also highlighted the losses of Republicans who didn't back him. 

"The Republican party defied history," he said. "We saw the candidates I supported achieve tremendous success." 

During the question and answer session, there were some heated exchanges with journalists, though unity and bipartisanship were talking points throughout the remarks. 

"I really believe that we have a chance to get along very well with the Democrats, and if that's the case, we can do a tremendous amount of legislation and get it approved," Trump said. 

But he also warned that if House Democrats move to investigate the Trump administration, the GOP-controlled Senate will help him out, saying, "They've been giving us this investigation fatigue. It's been a long time. They've got nothing. Zero. You know why? Because there is nothing. But they can play that game, but we can play it better." 

When asked if he learned any lessons from the midterm elections, the President responded, "I think the results that I've learned maybe confirm — I think people like me, I think people like the job I'm doing, frankly." 

CNN points out that Trump's post-midterm election press conference differed from his recent presidential predecessors, who appeared to take more responsibility for losing a House majority. 

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN