

Obamacare Covers More People Than President Trump Says It Does

President Trump's comments at CPAC misrepresent the impact Obamacare has had on Americans.

While speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference, President Donald Trump slammed the Affordable Care Act, promising to make changes.

"We also inherited a failed health care law that threatens our medical system with absolute and total catastrophe," Trump said in his speech.

He also said the law's benefits are overblown.

 "Obamacare covers very few people," Trump said.

But the numbers don't match up with that.

About 20 million Americans get health insurance thanks to the Affordable Care Act when you include its Medicaid expansion. That's about one in every 16 Americans.

That's not to say that Obamacare is perfect. An estimated 2 million to 5 million Americans had plans discontinued because of it.

Still, the rate of uninsured Americans was cut nearly in half during President Barack Obama's term.