

Pinterest Gets Hacked With Butt Pics

Pinterest users gets hacked by spam for weight loss supplements that include lots of butt shots.

Hey, all you Pinterest lovers, have you noticed a little behind the scenes action on you or your friends' board. Been getting rear ended? Well, blame it on Pinterest security — apparently it's not all it's cracked up to be. You think there were enough puns? 

Now that that's out of the way, if you haven't figured it out, Pinterest got hacked with — among other things — a flood of butt pictures. It was just one butt in particular... just to be specific. (Via Twitter / @hermioneway

And outlets are having a heyday with the bootylicious hack which were actually ads for weight loss supplements. (Via The Huffington Post, The Register, Bustle

But on a serious note, who wants a bunch of butts pinned to their boards? If you are one of those affected, Pinterest told TechCrunch they are currently addressing the issue.

"These reports did not come in at a large scale. We began working on cleaning up and placing the accounts in safe mode immediately. The accounts have since been secured. As a precaution, Pinners should use unique and strong passwords, and can get more information in our Help Center." 

This isn't the first users on the social sharing site have been hacked. A writer for TechCrunch chocks it up to the sites growing popularity. (Via Pinterest

At the beginning of March, the Better Business Bureau sent out this spam alert for Pinterest users and highlighted a few key ways to keep a safe account. 

"They recommend never clicking on uncommon pins by your friends, be wary of anything suspicious and report anything suspicious or dial 1900 mix a lot a kick them nasty thoughts."(Via KMPH)

Right. Anywho, if you do happen to see the spam pop up, do not click on it. And if it's your page that's affected, delete the unwanted pics. It still hasn't been reported who could be behind the hack.