PoliticsPolitical Scandals


Corruption In New York's Senate: Now, It's A Family Affair

New York's former Senate majority leader and his son have been sentenced to federal prison after they were charged with corruption last year.

New York's former Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos now faces a five-year federal prison sentence for corruption.

And Adam Skelos, who was convicted alongside his father last December for bribery and conspiracy, was sentenced to six and a half years.

The U.S. Department of Justice said Dean Skelos used his political position to funnel money to his son — over $200,000 in total — by pressuring business leaders.

Prosecutors had initially recommended the two get about double the prison time they were sentenced for.

Dean Skelos will have to also pay a $500,000 fine but can still collect his annual pension of almost $96,000.

He's yet another former New York Senate leader charged with corruption. The four previous Senate leaders in the state also faced similar charges.

New York's former assembly leader Sheldon Silver also received a prison sentence on separate corruption charges.

The U.S. attorney for New York's southern district said, "While Silver and Skelos deserve their prison sentences, the people of New York deserve better."

This video includes clips from New York University School of LawThe New York TimesNew York SenateWABC and WKBW and an image from Getty Images.