PoliticsPolitical Scandals


Garland appoints special counsel to investigate Biden docs

Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Robert Hur, the former Trump-appointed U.S. attorney in Maryland, to lead the investigation.

Attorney General Merrick Garland on Thursday appointed a special counsel to investigate the presence of documents with classified markings found at President Joe Biden’s home in Wilmington, Delaware, and at an office in Washington.

The announcement followed President Biden's acknowledgement Thursday morning that a document with classified markings from his time as vice president was found in his personal library, along with other documents found in his garage. Garland said President Biden's lawyers informed the Justice Department Thursday morning of the discovery of a classified document at President Biden's home, after FBI agents first retrieved other documents from his garage in December. It was disclosed on Monday that sensitive documents were found at the office of his former institute in Washington.

Robert Hur, the former Trump-appointed U.S. attorney in Maryland, will lead the investigation, taking over from the top Justice Department prosecutor in Chicago, John Lausch, who was earlier assigned by the department to investigate the matter. Hur is to begin his work soon.

Source: Biden team finds more docs with classified markings

Source: Biden team finds more docs with classified markings

A person who spoke to the Associated Press anonymously said the president's legal team found additional classified material at a second location.


The appointment of yet another special counsel to investigate the handling of classified documents is a remarkable turn of events, legally and politically, for a Justice Department that has spent months looking into the retention by Donald Trump of more than 300 documents with classification markings found at the former president’s Florida estate.

Though the situations are factually and legally different, the discovery of classified documents at two separate locations tied to President Biden — as well as the appointment of a new special counsel — would almost certainly complicate any prosecution that the department might bring against Trump.

President Biden told reporters at the White House that he was “cooperating fully and completely” with a Justice Department investigation into how classified information and government records were stored. He did not say when the latest series of documents were found, only that his lawyers’ review of potential storage locations was completed Wednesday night. Lawyers found the first in a locked closet in the offices of the Biden Penn Center in Washington on Nov. 2, just before the midterm elections, but publicly revealed that development only on Monday.

Richard Sauber, a special counsel to the president, said that after President Biden's personal lawyers found the initial documents, they examined other locations where records might have been shipped after President Biden left the vice presidency in 2017.

Sauber said a “small number” with classified markings were found in a storage space in President Biden's garage in Wilmington, with one document being located in an adjacent room. President Biden later revealed that the other location was his personal library.

President Biden said the Department of Justice was “immediately notified” after the documents were located and that department lawyers took custody of the records. The first batch of documents had been turned over to the National Archives and Records Administration.

Biden 'surprised' government records were found at old office

Biden 'surprised' government records were found at old office

The Department of Justice is reviewing “a small number of documents with classified markings" found at President Biden's previous office.


Hur was a close ally of former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, a key figure in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election and contacts between then-candidate Trump's associates and Russian officials. He also worked as an adviser to FBI Director Christopher Wray in the Justice Department.

New House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, a California Republican, said of the latest news: “I think Congress has to investigate this."

“Here’s an individual that sat on ‘60 Minutes’ that was so concerned about President Trump’s documents locked in behind, and now we find that this is a vice president keeping it for years out in the open in different locations.”

Contradicting several fellow Republicans, he said, “We don't think there needs to be a special prosecutor.”

The top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee has requested that intelligence agencies conduct a “damage assessment” of potentially classified documents. Ohio Rep. Mike Turner on Thursday also requested briefings from Attorney General Merrick Garland and the director of national intelligence, Avril Haines, on their reviews by Jan. 26.

“The presence of classified information at these separate locations could implicate the President in the mishandling, potential misuse, and exposure of classified information," Turner wrote the officials.

The revelation that additional classified documents were uncovered by President Biden’s team came hours after White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre dodged questions about President Biden’s handling of classified information and the West Wing’s management of the discovery.

She had said Wednesday that the White House was committed to handling the matter in the “right way,” pointing to President Biden’s personal attorneys’ immediate notification of the National Archives.

But she refused to say when President Biden himself had been briefed, whether there were any more classified documents potentially located at other unauthorized locations, and why the White House waited more than two months to reveal the discovery of the initial batch of documents.

President Biden has said he was “surprised to learn that there are any government records that were taken there to that office” but his lawyers “did what they should have done” when they immediately called the National Archives.

Additional reporting by The Associated Press.