

President Biden "Eager" to See Republicans' Infrastructure Plan

The Biden administration says it's "eager" to see Republicans' counterproposal after they rejected the administration's counteroffer Friday.

The President is also working to pass his infrastructure plan. 

The Biden administration says it's "eager" to see Republicans' counterproposal after they rejected the administration's counteroffer Friday.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki says Republicans have "a ways to go."

Psaki: "the last counteroffer that came from the Republicans came up, just came up $50 billion so our concessions went ten times as far as theirs.  So the ball is in their court.  We are awaiting their counterproposal.  We would welcome that, we're eager to engage and even have them down here to the White House once we see that counterproposal."

Both sides remain about one trillion dollars apart after the Biden administration offered a $1.7 trillion deal, down from its original $2.3 trillion package.

After the Biden administration unveiled its counteroffer Friday, the office of the top Republican negotiator, Senator Shelley Moore Capito, suggested Republicans and the White House were "farther apart" than they were previously.