

President Biden To Promote Jobs Plan In Louisiana

His stops in New Orleans and Lake Charles, Louisiana will highlight his over $2 trillion American Jobs Plan.

President Biden's "Getting America Back on Track" tour continues.

His stops in New Orleans and Lake Charles, Louisiana will highlight his over $2 trillion American Jobs Plan.

Before his trip to drum up support for the plan, the president touted his administration's implementation of the American Rescue Plan.

"The bottom line is this: the American Rescue Plan is working. America is getting vaccinated. Job creation is soaring. The economy is growing," he said. "And our country is on the move again. But some of the parts of our economy, need especial help. At the top of that list, is our nation's restaurants."

The American Rescue Plan includes $28.6 billion for the Restaurant Revitalization Fund. The program offers grants equal to a business's pandemic-related revenue loss.

Applications opened Monday and over 186,000 businesses have already applied.