

Trump Said All Democrats Signed An 'Open Borders' Bill. They Didn't.

At a rally, President Donald Trump said all Democrats had signed on to a bill called the "open borders bill". That doesn't exist.

President Donald Trump is ramping up his presence on the campaign trail. He's headed all over the country trying to stir up energy for Republicans ahead of the midterm elections.

At his rallies lately, he's been making some misleading or false claims. Take this one on what Democrats want to do at the border.

"Every single Democrat in the U.S. Senate has signed up for the open borders, and it's a bill, it's called the 'open borders bill.' What's going on? And it's written by, guess who? Dianne Feinstein," Trump said at a rally in Kansas.

There is no such bill

The president is likely talking about a bill called the Keep Families Together Act. Feinstein introduced it at the height of the Trump administration's zero-tolerance immigration policy. 

It proposed restrictions on when authorities can separate a child from their guardian at the border. It would allow it under some circumstances, like if the child was in danger or there was strong evidence the adult they were with wasn't their parent or guardian. 

That bill doesn't propose open borders, either. Immigrants would still have to go through all legal proceedings.