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FBI Director Recommends Against Charging Clinton Over Emails

But FBI Director James Comey did say there's evidence Hillary Clinton and her staff were "extremely careless" in their handling of emails.

FBI Director James Comey announced Tuesday that he'll recommend the Department of Justice not bring criminal charges against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over her use of private email servers. 

The purpose of the investigation was to determine whether Clinton violated any laws by handling classified information on her private email server. 

"Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case," Comey said

Comey described the investigation as "painstaking" and revealed Clinton used multiple servers and mobile devices, some of them in and out of commission over time. The investigation also found that 110 emails in 52 chains were found to include classified information at the time they were sent. Eight of the chains contained information that was top secret.

Clinton repeatedly claimed otherwise.

"I never sent nor received any information that was classified at the time it was sent and received," she told reporters last year.

A U.S. State Department Inspector General report released in May found Clinton didn't follow proper department procedure.

SEE MORE: "State Dept. Probe Finds Email Issues Run Much Deeper Than Clinton"

Clinton met with the FBI for more than three hours on Saturday.

This fueled speculation that the investigation was coming to a close and that she likely wouldn't be prosecuted.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch said Friday she would accept investigators' recommendations for the case.

Lynch's announcement followed news of a private meeting with former President Bill Clinton aboard her plane early last week. Lynch said that meeting was social, and Hillary Clinton echoed that statement on Saturday.

This video includes clips from NBCFox News and Aspen Institute and images from CNN and Getty Images.