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Some Well-Known GOP Members Are Skipping The National Convention

Two former presidents and two former presidential nominees are among the growing list of those not attending.

Donald Trump's campaign and the Republican National Committee are having trouble finding speakers for the party's July convention — at least according to Politico.

The outlet reached out to more than 50 Republican governors and members of Congress, and few want to speak at the convention next month. Some well-known Republicans aren't even planning on going. 

Former nominees Mitt Romney and Sen. John McCain have said they wouldn't go to the convention, as did both former Presidents Bush. Sen. Kelly Ayotte, Sen. Lindsey Graham and up-and-comer Sen. Ben Sasse told Politico they won't be going, either. 

Those who said they weren't planning to speak included South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley and Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn. Sen. Marco Rubio said earlier this month if he speaks at the convention, it won't be for Trump. 

But one well-known Republican you'll likely see is New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. 

He's appeared on the campaign trail with Trump and will lead Trump's White House transition team if Trump wins the election.

Meanwhile, NBC reports the so-called "Dump Trump" movement will be opening a "command center" in Cleveland soon and is reportedly gearing up for a convention fight.

A Washington Post/ABC News poll released Sunday shows Hillary Clinton leading Trump with 51 percent to his 39 percent. In a poll last month, the two were virtually tied.

In a tweetSunday afternoon, Trump called the poll "dirty" and "a disgrace."

This video includes clips from CNN and images from Getty Images.