

US Intel Chief Again Says Russia Might Try To Meddle In 2018 Midterms

U.S. Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats told the Senate Armed Services Committee the Russia threat hasn't disappeared.

The head of the U.S. intelligence community is again warning about potential Russian meddling in the 2018 midterm elections.

Dan Coats testified in front of the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday to outline worldwide threats. Coats said he hasn't seen evidence of a "robust effort" so far but says he thinks it's "highly likely" Russia will try something.

Coats was also grilled on how the White House is responding to the possible Russian threat. He said the White House is aware but wouldn't go into detail about prevention strategies.

Coats gave a similar testimony to the Senate intel committee in February. He reiterated his belief that Russia views its past efforts as successful and that it views the midterms as a potential target.