

White House: Security Clearance Crackdown Won't Affect Kushner's Job

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders told reporters Kushner's role as senior adviser won't change because of the upcoming modifications.

President Donald Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, won't be affected by a crackdown on security clearances at the White House.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders told reporters Tuesday that Kushner's role as senior adviser won't change because of the upcoming modifications. 

"Mr. Kushner's work that he has done will not be impacted. And he's going to continue to do the work that he's done over the last year," Sanders said.

Focus turned to Kushner's security clearance after White House Chief of Staff John Kelly announced improvements to the clearance process last week.

Kushner has reportedly been operating under a temporary clearance because of issues raised by the FBI during a background check.

But he's not alone. According to a report from CNN, more than 100 White House staffers were working with interim security clearances more than a year after Trump was elected.