

Multiple Republicans Speak Out Against Trump's Farm Bailout

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump announced plans for a $12 billion bailout for farmers hit by the growing trade war.

The Trump administration is planning a $12 billion bailout for the nation's farmers, but many members of his own party aren't on board.

Sen. Ben Sasse from Nebraska said, "This trade war is cutting the legs out from under farmers." Sen. Bob Corker from Tennessee called the plan "welfare" for farmers.

The chairman of the Senate's agriculture committee, Sen. Pat Roberts, said he'd rather have open trade for farmers and said he hopes Trump is trying to fix the situation.

Sen. Jeff Flake echoed similar sentiments, saying farmers want access to the world's markets, not a bailout.

Retaliatory tariffs are hitting America's agriculture industries hard. Multiple countries have responded to U.S. steel and aluminum tariffs, and China has responded to some additional, targeted taxes.

President Donald Trump stood by his tariffs on Tuesday.

"They don't want to have those tariffs put on them," Trump said. "They're all coming to see us. And the farmers will be the biggest beneficiary. Watch."