PoliticsSupreme Court


Judiciary Committee Spars Over Kavanaugh's Past FBI Background Checks

Committee Republicans and Democrats seem to have different opinions of what Brett Kavanaugh's background checks turned up.

Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee are accusing their Republican counterparts of misrepresenting past background checks on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

In a letter published Wednesday, the senators cite a specific tweet from the Judiciary Committee’s Twitter account, which is run by the Republicans' staff. 

That tweet claims previous background checks failed to turn up any evidence of alcohol abuse or sexual misconduct. But Democrats say they reviewed the same background checks and that they feel the tweet is inaccurate.

The Judiciary Committee account responded to the letter Wednesday evening, writing "nothing in the tweet is misleading" and calling the Democrats' letter a "false smear."

The background checks in question are meant to be confidential. The FBI report on its investigation into sexual assault allegations against Kavanaugh could reportedly be available to senators as early as Thursday morning

Additional reporting by Newsy affiliate CNN.