PoliticsSupreme Court


Senate Confirms Brett Kavanaugh to Supreme Court

The vote follows weeks of contentious debate over Kavanaugh's nomination, much of it centered around sexual assault allegations against him.

The Senate has voted to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. 

The confirmation vote comes after weeks of contentious debate and protests centered around allegations of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh.

Little more than a week before the vote, Christine Blasey Ford testified before the judiciary committee that Kavanaugh assaulted her in high school, something Kavanaugh denied before that same body.

On Friday, the pieces fell into place for Kavanaugh's confirmation. The Senate voted 51-49 to advance Kavanaugh, with Alaska Republican Lisa Murkowski voting no and West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin voting yes.

After that vote, Maine Republican Susan Collins, one of the other potential swing votes, told the Senate she intended to vote yes on Kavanaugh's confirmation. Manchin confirmed he would vote yes shortly after.

Kavanaugh replaces Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy, who retired at the end of July. 

Additional reporting by Newsy affiliate CNN.