

Trump Administration Picks 10 Participants For Its Drone Program

The U.S. Department of Transportation announced its selectees for the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration Pilot Program on Wednesday.

The Trump administration has picked 10 state, local and tribal governments to participate in its drone operations pilot program.

The U.S. Department of Transportation announced its selectees for the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration Pilot Program on Wednesday.

The participants include the city of Reno, Nevada; the Lee County Mosquito Control District in Fort Myers, Florida; the Kansas Department of Transportation and the University of Alaska-Fairbanks.

Outlets report in Reno that in partnership with the local 911 system, the drones will deliver defibrillators. And in Fort Myers, Florida, they'll be used to monitor the mosquito population.

The data collected from the pilot projects will go toward forming new regulations to "safely integrate drones into our national airspace."

The participants will team up with partners and the Federal Aviation Administration to work on night operations, flights over people and detect-and-avoid technologies.

And officials hope the data collected from the program will benefit multiple fields — like commerce, photography, emergency management and public safety.