

Trump Administration, Oakland Mayor Trade Jabs Over Immigration

The president said his administration is "looking at" a California mayor after she warned residents about an immigration raid.

President Donald Trump called the Oakland, California, mayor's, actions a "disgrace" after she warned city residents about an impending raid by immigration authorities.

"The mayor of Oakland went out — and she went out and warned them all: 'Scatter,'" Trump said.

Trump said Thursday his administration is "looking at" Mayor Libby Schaaf. Politico took Trump's words to mean he might consider taking legal action.

The president's warning came a day after Attorney General Jeff Sessions also criticized the Oakland mayor.

"How dare you? How dare you needlessly endanger the lives of our law enforcement officers to promote a radical, open-borders agency?" Sessions said.

Schaaf responded to Trump's comments saying she's "proud to live in a country where everyone can criticize elected officials."

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN.