

Trump Heading To Argentina Thursday For Annual G20 Summit

He's going to have a pretty packed schedule during the 48 hours he's in Buenos Aires.

President Donald Trump is heading to Argentina Thursday for the annual Group of 20 summit.

The forum brings together leading rich and developing nations to address economic issues like trade, climate change and fair and sustainable development.

Tensions are expected to be high for this year's summit. President Trump's warned he'll likely boost tariffs on Chinese goods if he and Chinese President Xi Jinping can't work out a deal; European countries are calling for more sanctions to be placed on Russia over it's naval confrontation with Ukraine; and some leaders might reportedly refuse to shake hands with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman over his possible involvement in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

As for President Trump's packed schedule — The Associated Press reports he's going to attend eight high-level meetings during the 48 hours he's on the ground in Buenos Aires. 

Beyond sitting down with China's President, he's also expected to meet with leaders from South Korea, Japan and Turkey. An aide for Russian President Vladimir Putin said he'd meet with President Trump Saturday, but the White House had not confirmed that meeting as of Thursday morning. 

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN