

Trump Once Again Hints He Might Pardon Former Sheriff Joe Arpaio

During a rally in Phoenix on Tuesday, President Donald Trump suggested he might pardon former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

During a rally in Phoenix on Tuesday, President Donald Trump once again hinted he may pardon former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

"I won't do it tonight, because I don't want to cause any controversy, is that OK? All right? But Sheriff Joe should feel good," President Donald Trump said.

Trump said Arpaio will be "just fine," despite the fact that the former sheriff was found guilty of criminal contempt after his department ignored a court order to stop racial profiling practices.

"Was Sheriff Joe convicted for doing his job?" Trump asked.

Trump told Fox News last week he was "seriously considering" a pardon for Arpaio, who was an early Trump supporter during the presidential campaign.

And that caught people's attention, including Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton. He even called on Trump to reschedule his visit, saying, "If President Trump is coming to Phoenix to announce a pardon for former Sheriff Joe Arpaio, then it will be clear that his true intent is to inflame emotions and further divide our nation."

But White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said before Tuesday's rally Trump wouldn't be announcing a pardon that day.

Arpaio is scheduled to be sentenced in October, and he could face up to six months in jail.