

Here's How The White House Responded To Mike Flynn's Plea Deal

After Mike Flynn reached a plea deal Friday, the White House canceled a planned press event for the president's meeting with the leader of Libya.

The White House was pretty mum after former national security adviser Mike Flynn's plea deal in the Russia probe. That is, until it sent out a statement from its lawyer Friday.

In response to Flynn admitting to making a false statement to the FBI, White House lawyer Ty Cobb said the following: "The false statements involved mirror the false statements to White House officials which resulted in his resignation in February of this year. Nothing about the guilty plea or the charge implicates anyone other than Mr. Flynn."

As part of his plea deal, Flynn said a senior member of President Donald Trump's transition team directed him to contact Russian officials in December 2016.

Flynn was charged with knowingly making false statements to the FBI about his communications with Sergey Kislyak — the Russian ambassador to the U.S. at the time.

Flynn ultimately resigned as national security adviser in February after misleading Vice President Mike Pence about discussions he had with Kislyak.

As of early Friday afternoon, there was no press briefing on the White House calendar. And a scheduled press event for Trump's meeting with a Libyan leader was abruptly canceled.