

White House Names A Communications Head, Takes Pressure Off Spicer

Mike Dubke, founder of a conservative media company, is taking over part of Sean Spicer's job, which was designed for two people.
and last updated

The White House has officially named a communications director.

Mike Dubke, founder of conservative company Crossroads Media, will take over for Sean Spicer as head of communications, an appointment that was first reported weeks ago. He'll also serve as assistant to the president.

Spicer has been working double time as both the White House press secretary and the director of communications. This latest high-level hire is expected to take some pressure off him.

Communications directors work primarily behind the scenes, whereas a press secretary is more the face of an administration.

Spicer will continue his daily press briefings while Dubke focuses on more long-term message planning.

Jason Miller was originally tapped for the role in December but stepped down and said he wanted to spend more time with his family.

Dubke's company website describes Crossroads as a "premier Republican media" service that specializes in political candidate placement, advocacy and trade.