PoliticsWomen's Issues


Roy Moore Accuser Reportedly Presents Evidence Of Relationship

The Washington Post reports she has a card that she says Moore gave her when she was a teenager.

A woman accusing GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore reportedly came forward with new evidence to accompany her allegations.

Debbie Gibson said she dated Moore when she was 17 and he was 34. On Monday, she presented a high school "memories book" that contained a graduation card she said Moore gave her.

According to a Washington Post report, it read: "Happy graduation Debbie. I wanted to give you this card myself. I know that you'll be a success in anything you do. Roy."

Debbie says she dated Moore willingly and had written elsewhere in the book: "Roy S. Moore and I went out for the first time. We went out to eat at Catfish Cabin in Albertville. I had a great time."

 At least eight women have accused him of sexual misconduct. Moore denies any wrongdoing.